The Season of Gratitude

November can easily be seen as a month for introspection and reflection. Store ads bombard the masses with Black Friday deals, holiday gift lists, and the latest fad. It would be easy to become absorbed in the rush and noise of holiday consumerism, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel: Thanksgiving.
The act of giving thanks and expressing gratitude. Taking a step back and counting the blessings that surround you and your family. Perhaps it’s the car in your garage, the stable roof over your head, or the warm feast you have prepared.
For some Club members, it’s knowing they have a place to go after school that provides a meal, possibly their last of the day, a caring professional who listens to the challenges they’re facing, and skills to manager their strong and overwhelming emotions.
At Club, we are grateful for the safety we provide to more than 400 kids and teens a day. We cherish the generations of Club members and their families who were once members, too. We recognize the privilege of our supportive, four-legged friend, Baloo, who aids in the social and emotional wellness of Lockwood Club members.
We are especially grateful for the supporters, sponsors, and community members who believe in our mission of doing Whatever It Takes to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
During this season of gratitude, look beyond the car, the roof, and the warm feast. We ask that you take into consideration the warmth of the coat in your closet, the always filled pantry in your home, and the difference you make by believing in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Yellowstone County.
Thank you,
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Yellowstone County