Build Safe Kids & Clubs

While we like to think that the Boys and Girls Clubs of Yellowstone County has always been a safe place for kids to be, we also know that there are always ways in which we can improve to provide not only a physically safe place but an emotionally safe one.
At this Clubhouse, one staff member set out to do just that. In the last year, Ali has come into the Lockwood Clubhouse with a “yes and-” attitude in which she encourages her staff to make the program whatever they want it to be while also ensuring safety.
When it comes to physical safety, Ali ensures the Clubhouse is not only clean, but also organized. She starts each Monday with a Clubhouse reset in which she makes sure each area is prepped and ready for the members to arrive, filling band aids and hand sanitizer at the front desk, restocking supplies in each room and updating the staff board. She helps lead each Red Zone Meeting by reminding the staff of any safety protocols that need to be tightened up, such as movement on the playground, and is always looking for ways to be better. Safety often comes down to the finer details, but fortunately, for the Lockwood staff, Ali’s type A++ personality allows her to never miss the important details. Whether it is individual color-coded hall passes or a station that is always stocked for staff to replenish their outdoor backpack needs, Ali has created an environment that is organized, consistent, and perfect for staff and Club members to grow.
Ali doesn’t just stop at physical safety. She knows emotionally safety is vital to a healthy Clubhouse, and Ali has worked hard to make sure the staff and Club members feel supported. Ali makes sure every kid has ample opportunity to be successful at Club, whether this means ensuring mentoring time is intentional and thorough, or checking in with staff each night to guarantee they have the materials to do a great job or if they need support, professionally or personally. Ali even set up a Cozy Corner in the office including chocolate covered espresso beans and tissues for any staff member to have a space to vent if they ever need it. By creating this environment, staff feel cared for and as a result have a strong team dynamic.
Ali has implemented meetings, protocols, and routines to not only ensure physical and emotional safety but to also encourage success for all members including those with special needs. Ali relates to families by expressing her anxieties about asking for help as a special needs parent and by doing this, parents have felt comfort in coming to her with their own struggles. She has also brought her own personal experiences and knowledge to help staff better serve special needs youth.
Staff, Club Members, and the Lockwood community trust Ali to maintain a safe environment where everyone can feel secure, heard and supported and she is greatly deserving of the Build Safe Kids & Clubs award.